Groundbreaking AI Replicas Revealed at Sensay September Summit 

Artificial intelligence took center stage this month as Sensay, the cutting-edge AI innovator, hosted its much-awaited September Summit. Tech enthusiasts from around the globe tuned in to this virtual extravaganza, eager to witness the unveiling of Sensay’s latest AI marvels. CEO Dan Thomson led the summit, which revealed an array of next-generation AI replicas and served as a launchpad for Sensay’s most recent breakthroughs which are highlighted in this article.  

The Age of Digital Replicas  

Sensay’s focus from the beginning has been digital replicas, essentially digital clones of people based on AI. However, Sensay’s idea of cloning isn’t just for fun, but for practical use cases. It offers a way for people, particularly leaders and experts, to create a copy of their persona who can perform duties digitally.  

The digital replica will learn about and try to mimic behavior, speaking style, and expertise. It’s designed to know what you know, allowing it to do certain tasks as you would. The idea is to use replicas for task delegation and sharing knowledge. Here’s how Thomson explained it, “Imagine having your CEO conducting a truly global town hall, engaging with every employee across all time zones, answering questions in real-time, ensuring a consistent message throughout your organization.” 

With these digital replicas, leaders and experts can conduct seminars or workshops without actually performing them. The digital replica will do it for you. And that, too, in many languages. This is particularly beneficial for organizations with a global presence. For instance, a CEO may be able to speak in Vietnamese with its employees in Vietnam.  

Experts can use their digital replicas to connect with stakeholders everywhere. The replica will have the same voice, tone, and speaking style. It also makes them more accessible throughout the organization.  

Email Drafting 

Sensay’s digital replicas come with many features, including automated email drafting. This is similar to what many generative AI applications like ChatGPT or Gemini do, except Sensay’s tool has much more context, which has been a pain point with generative AI.  

The feature is linked with the digital replica, so the tool understands how you speak. More importantly, it will understand the context of the conversation. It will automate email drafting for busy leadership, allowing them to skim through the already written draft and send it quickly.  

Leaders in corporations will not have to spend a lot of time answering emails. On the other hand, stakeholders will get their response quickly. It’s a win-win situation for both sender and receiver.  

Sensay expects this feature’s quality to improve further as the tool is AI-powered with a model in the backdrop that’s constantly learning. The more emails it churns out, the better it will get. 

AI Agents That Are More Than Assistants 

Sensay also focuses on empowering leaders with full-fledged AI Agents, which are much more sophisticated than current standards. Unlike traditional AI assistants that are essentially chatbots, Sensay’s AI Agents can learn and adapt. They can carry out complex tasks like analysis and forecasting, allowing leaders to make decisions faster.  

A great example of these AI agents in action was shared during the Summit, showing how they can automate the management of Telegram channels. For instance, the agent can respond to queries and relay messages to team members independently with minimal intervention. Telegram, the messaging app, is a platform for engagement for many thought leaders and organizations. Automating specific tasks on Telegram with agents can streamline processes.  

Knowledge Transfer Made Simpler 

The flagship product of Sensay, digital replicas, and all of its associated features are made for a single premise: making knowledge distribution seamless. Sensay’s approach to creating AI-based clones and agents isn’t just to increase productivity but also to offer experts in their respective fields the opportunity to share their knowledge and expertise more readily.  

Thomson said, “Our Interactive Live-Streamed Replicas make this a reality. This technology allows for real-time, dynamic conversations with digital replicas, scaling human expertise across your entire organization.”  

Experts at the helm of an organization can spread their expertise throughout the company. It doesn’t matter if half of their workforce sits thousands of miles away. Their digital replicas and other automated features can enable knowledge transfer at every level. It allows experts to inspire others in their organization and democratize knowledge.  

For instance, digital replicas of CEOs or CFOs can conduct Q&A sessions in real-time with employees or the general public, answering questions about business, skills, and expertise.  

The Summit ended with the CTO of Sensay showing demos of the technology. The demo featured the digital replica of Thomson, who looked and spoke just like him. Although one can tell that it’s AI, the speech and speaking style resemblance was uncanny.  

Sensay’s AI technology promises to revolutionize how enterprise leadership interacts with its teams and employees. It can empower leaders to engage more openly with employees and even the public.  

About Sensay 

Sensay, founded by Dan Thomson, is a technology company with AI innovation at its heart. It’s dedicated to changing lives through cutting-edge technology. By creating AI Replicas, Sensay aims to empower individuals, especially leaders and experts, to craft lasting digital legacies, ensuring that memories and knowledge are preserved for future generations. With features that make automation of communication a reality, their products are designed to remove barriers in knowledge sharing. Sensay’s technology has been featured in TED, Yahoo, Bloomberg, and Product Hunt. 

Make your own AI replica with Sensay here: